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iki POP UP DINNER by chef Grant Allen and Q Wines 7pm, Tuesday 10 October

iki POP UP DINNER by chef Grant Allen and Q Wines

7pm, Tuesday 10 October


シェフGrant AllenとQ Winesによるikiポップアップディナー

Cooked with Coffee

From it’s early origins in the Ethiopian Highlands, coffee is now one of the world’s most consumed beverages. The rich taste of roasted beans combines well with many savoury and sweet foods. Coffee enhances flavours and has a tenderising effect on meat.

We will present a selection of tastes that express coffee’s versatility. The dinner will be served in shared table style, and matched by wines sourced from Q Wines. Q is a New Zealand boutique handcrafted single vineyard wine from the Waitai Valley in North Otago. Waitaki Valley is one of the coolest regions in NZ for wine growing and has been hailed as one of the best grape growing soils in the country. Q crafts truly outstanding wine.





テーブルシェアスタイルのディナーでは、メニューに合わせて厳選したワインをQ Winesさんがご提供くださいます。



The Menu Smoked brisket with a coffee rub, avocado, blood orange, pink grapefruit, rocket, avocado oil, citrus dressing

コーヒースパイスを擦り込んだ牛肩肉のスモーク アボカド、ブラッドオレンジ、ピンクグレープフルーツ、ルッコラ、アボカドオイル、シトラスドレッシング Coffee cured tuna, sashimi style, Lot 8 yuzu olive oil

コーヒーでじっくり寝かせた鮪の刺身 Lot 8柚子風味オリーブオイル  

Grilled baby vegetables and greens, coffee vinaigrette

ベイビーベジタブルと野菜のグリル コーヒービネガレッテ Venison tortilla, red enchilada sauce with coffee, chocolate and chilli 鹿肉のトルティーヤ コーヒーとチョコレートと唐辛子の真っ赤なエンチラーダソース

Beef filet with black pepper and ground coffee bean crust, creamy white beans, bitter greens, wild mushrooms

黒胡椒と挽きコーヒー豆の衣をつけた牛フィレ クリーミーな白豆、苦味温野菜とワイルドマッシュルームを添えて Tiramasu, coffee biscotti, salted honey, chocolate bark


Yen 7,000 per person

Limited to 28 guests

To reserve, please call Teru Harase on 090 4414 6815

or visit iki Espresso Tokyo 2-2-12, Tokiwa, Koto-Ku, Tokyo, Tel: 03 6659 4654

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